Diplopia: Causes And Treatments

Diplopia is also called double vision, and while it can happen for no reason in some people, it is typically related to an underlying cause. There are a couple of different forms of diplopia. Monocular and binocular. Monocular diplopia affects only one of your eyes, whereas binocular diplopia affects both of your eyes. After your eye doctor determines the cause of your diplopia, they will determine which treatment is best for you. Here are some causes of diplopia and effective treatment options. 

Diplopia Causes

Astigmatism can cause double vision. This condition refers to an irregular curvature or shape of your eye. It is very common, and in addition to double vision, astigmatisms can also cause blurred vision. Cataracts may also cause diplopia. A cataract refers to the cloudiness or opaqueness of the clear lens of your eye. They are more common in older people, however, people of all ages can develop cataracts.

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light and certain drugs can also promote the formation of cataracts. In addition, if your eyes do not produce enough tears, they will become dry and irritated, which can also lead to diplopia. While common eye conditions may cause double vision, non-eye conditions can also cause diplopia. These conditions may include medication side effects, diabetes, and certain neurological disorders. 

Diplopia Treatments

Your diplopia treatment will be based upon the cause. For example, if your double vision is caused by astigmatism, your doctor may recommend corrective lenses such as glasses or contact lenses. Cornea-changing surgery may also help correct your astigmatism and eliminate your diplopia. If your double vision is caused by cataracts, treatment options include increasing the strength of your corrective lenses and surgery.

Cataract surgery involves removing the cataract and replacing it with a small intraocular implant. Once the cataracts are removed, normal vision is likely to return. Treatment for diplopia caused by dry eyes may include lubricating eye drops, also known as artificial tears. Lubricating ointments may also be used in place of lubricating eye drops because they adhere better to the surface of your eyes. It is important to note that your eye doctor may recommend using your lubricating ointment before bedtime because it can cause blurred vision.

If you develop double vision, visit your eye clinic for a comprehensive eye exam. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment interventions will help you resume your normal activities without the bothersome effects of diplopia. 

If you have any questions, read more here to find answers. 

About Me

Choosing the Right Glasses for Your Lifestyle

While my sister wore glasses while we were growing up, I had 20/20 vision until I was in college. One day, I was in class and realized that I couldn't see a paper that the professor was holding up in front of the class as clearly as the other students. I had a vision exam and was told I would have to start wearing eyeglasses. I played on the college volleyball team, so I was very worried that my glasses would fall off while I was playing! My optometrist told me that prescription sports goggles would be perfect for me while I was playing. I know there are other people out there with blurry vision who are afraid that glasses will interfere with their lifestyles, so I decided to create a blog to share everything I have learned about eyeglasses and contact lenses! I hope I can help you!

