Answering Common Concerns About Cataract Surgery

While many people will need cataract surgery at some point in their lives, it's common enough for people to feel nervous about having this procedure done. After all, it's surgery, and it's on your eyes, no less. However, with that in mind, you don't need to worry. Here are three of the most common concerns that people have about cataract surgery and the answers you need to hear.

Is It Safe?

Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures performed on eyes, period. It's something that many people will need later in life, and going without it can lead to the cataracts becoming so severe that it seriously impairs vision or even causes partial or full blindness, so skipping the procedure isn't an option for most.

While it can seem scary to think about someone performing surgery on your eye, it's a procedure that has been perfected over the decades and is extremely safe. One of the biggest risks to your eyes comes with your aftercare. However, if you commit to using your eye drops and medication as directed, it will prevent an infection and protect your eyes as they heal.

Will It Require General Anesthesia?

It's common for people to be wary of general anesthesia. Whether you just don't want to be put to sleep or you have a medical condition that prevents you from receiving this treatment, you don't need to worry. Many cataract surgery treatments are performed without general anesthesia, and instead the eye doctor will use local anesthesia to prevent any pain from occurring. You won't feel a thing, and you'll be conscious for the entire procedure.

What Can You Expect After?

The nice thing about any kind of surgical procedure on the eyes is that they heal very quickly. As a result, you should be back to normal very quickly.

However, in the short-term, you'll need someone to drive you home after your procedure. Your vision may be blurry for the first day, but don't worry. Your eye doctor will schedule a follow-up after your surgery, so if you have any concerns or are experiencing any issues, this is the time to bring them up. You may even discover that after the healing process is completed, your vision is better than it's been in years.

For more information about eye cataract surgery, reach out to a professional at a clinic like Sabates Eye Centers.

About Me

Choosing the Right Glasses for Your Lifestyle

While my sister wore glasses while we were growing up, I had 20/20 vision until I was in college. One day, I was in class and realized that I couldn't see a paper that the professor was holding up in front of the class as clearly as the other students. I had a vision exam and was told I would have to start wearing eyeglasses. I played on the college volleyball team, so I was very worried that my glasses would fall off while I was playing! My optometrist told me that prescription sports goggles would be perfect for me while I was playing. I know there are other people out there with blurry vision who are afraid that glasses will interfere with their lifestyles, so I decided to create a blog to share everything I have learned about eyeglasses and contact lenses! I hope I can help you!

